I do want this... right?
I am second guessing self alot as I fail more at these cakes... wishing I could go to school or learn some way.
Enhance my skills and knowledge. Oh and also have the funds to do this all... another back fall in my plan.
I did get alot accomplished today even though my boss was barking down my neck (having a visual of my boss's body with a pit pull head and long blonde hair barking words! hehe! )
(it says "when we'll wee tell this S.O.B. (son of boss) he is getting to big for his britches!")
Amusement to get me through the last 10 minutes of the work day!
Dreading the taxes im going to have to do tonight... dont mind procrastinating on these babies! :)
I've decided to take on another cake this month.. actually this week. Crazy? yup, I know.
I finally downloaded the pics from my weekend, rather random but Ill post em in a separate post. Complete the total randomness of it all!
Well my lovely readers...until we blog again!
X's & O's
I know it can overwhelmed you at times, but I know you're such a talented baker.. Your creation is amazing - so keep making those cakes!!! I'm cheering on!
Cakes & Bosses & Taxes, oh my!!
You are one busy lady, but you can do it!!!
Thanks Ladies!!! Words of encouragementand support keep me pushing onward!
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